During the 2025 season there will be several L2 & L3 level courses in Austria, Estonia and Finland!
In April 2025 there will also be a FNASI / ESSIA L2 course in Levi. ESSIA L1 level instructors can participate. The licence is of course also valid in the ESSIA system.
There will also be an opportunity for graduates of last year’s FNASI L2 course to go on to the FNASI L3 course in April. In other words, you can progress in both the FNASI-ESSIA system.
As a new opportunity you can train yourself to ESSIA L2 international level, the technical part of the races will take place 17-22.11.24 in Hintertux, Austria, with methodology & didactics during the season in Estonia. The ESSIA L2 course will be in EST, the FNASI L2 course in April in ENG or FIN.
Snowboard ESSIA L1 instructors will be able to move to the next level in Finland, i.e. continue directly to level up on the L2 FNASI course (ENG or FIN).